Our Church is part of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, that canonically comes under the Catholicate of the East whose Supreme Head is His Holiness the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan who is enthroned on the Apostolic See of St. Thomas with headquarters at Devalokam, Kottayam, Kerala, India
The Christian church in India was originally founded in 52AD, by St. Thomas, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ.

The Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church in New Zealand

We started as a prayer group in March 2001, in Auckland. Gradually the group grew in numbers and desired to become a worshipping community. Meanwhile, His Grace Dr. Yakob Mar Ireniaos, Diocesan Metropolitan of Madras (Chennai), came to know about this community and gave encouragement by sending Rev. Fr. M. D Varghese, Vicar of Melbourne St. Mary’s Indian Orthodox Church to New Zealand. He conducted our first Holy Qurbana on 29th March 2003, at the St. Albans Anglican Church, Balmoral, Auckland.  The congregation accepted the name of the blessed Vattasseril Geevarghese Mar Dionysius, as it’s patron saint.
As per Kalpana (encyclical) dated 9th April 2003 of the Diocesan Metropolitan the Congregation has become the first parish dedicated to St. Dionysius Vattasseril, the Illuminator of the church in the Madras Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Church. Rev. Fr. M.D Varghese was appointed as the first Vicar (non-resident) for the Parish. Kavil Ninan Varghese as Trustee, Philip Chacko Ayyamplackal as Secretary, George Tharakan, Elenjickal Mathew Jacob, Koshy Mathews & Koppara Beno Samuel as Committee members were part of the first Parish Managing Committee.  
Rev Fr. Dr. Joseph Zachariah from Chennai came to conduct the Holy Week service in April 2003 with the consent of the Diocesan Metropolitan. The services were held at the St Chad’s Anglican Church, Sandringham.
On 7th May 2003 the church was incorporated in New Zealand with the name St. Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church Auckland New Zealand Inc.
H.G. Dr Abraham Mar Severios, who was the Bishop for Ankamally East & Idukki Diocese, en route to the US, visited New Zealand from May 15, 2003 to May 30, 2003. H.G celebrated Holy Eucharist twice in Auckland and conducted the first Holy Eucharist celebration on May 25, 2003 at the St. Luke’s Church, Melville, Hamilton. H.G. also visited community members in Wellington and addressed an ecumenical prayer meeting.
Our Diocesan Metropolitan His Grace Dr. Yakob Mar Irenaios came on his first visit from August 9, 2003 to August 15, 2003. His Grace conducted Holy Eucharist on August 10th at St. Chad’s Sandringam and on the Feast of Dormition of the Holy Theotokos. Four boys were ordained to serve at the altar. The Metropolitan initiated the formation of the spiritual organizations. John Varghese was appointed as Sunday school Headmaster. Mar Irenaios also launched a website for the parish; which was developed by Cherry Cherian. His Grace visited every household of the parishioners and exhorted to search for eligible members to enroll in the parish.
In the absence of a resident Vicar, the Vicars of our Churches in Melbourne & Sydney were instructed to conduct occasional services in Auckland. Accordingly, Vicar of our Sydney St. Thomas Cathedral, Rev Fr Thomas Varghese also celebrated Holy Qurbana in Auckland on August 23, 2003.
The members felt the need to have a resident vicar to take care of their pastoral needs.  Rev. Fr. T.G. John was appointed by the Diocesan Metropolitan as the first Resident Vicar and he served the parish from Sept 26, 2003 till February 7, 2004.
Fr John conducted regular church services in Auckland and also conducted the first Holy Eucharist in Wellington on November 22, 2003 at the Saint George Ancient Church of the East, Strathmore Park, Wellington.
Rev. Fr. M.K. Kurien, Diocesan Secretary, Madras Diocese visited us twice and conducted services for us.
During the second visit of the diocesan Metropolitan in October 2003, H.G initiated the formation of other spiritual organizations. P.J. John was appointed as Prayer Group secretary, Ashok Varghese as Youth Coordinator and Annie Shiju Mathew as Martha Mariam Samajam Secretary.
His Grace expressed the desire for a permanent place of worship. Our membership was growing and temporary set up for every service was a hard task. The Metropolitan also visited our parishioners in Wellington & Palmerston North.
Rev. Fr. T.G. John was on visit visa and left in early February 2004. Rev. Fr. Varghese Vaalayil, assistant Vicar of our St. Mary’s Cathedral in KL, Malaysia, conducted the first parish Feast of St Dionysius later in the month at St. Chad’s Anglican Church, Sandringham. In April 2004, Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa, Vicar of our St.Mary’s Cathedral in KL, came to lead our Holy week services; these were held at the St Mary’s church, Parnell.
Mar Irenaios came on a third visit in April 2004; this visit was used for building up relationship between members within and for developing contacts with other church leaders.
Rev. Fr. Varghese Philip Idichandy arrived and took charge as vicar on May 22, 2004. From then on, we had regular church services on Sundays and the regular functioning of the spiritual organizations. During his term which lasted three years, several families were added to the church. But venues were difficult to get for regular worship. The parish became more aware for a permanent place of worship. Rev. Fr. Idichandy’s tenure also kick-started the public fund-raising events beginning with a Food festival, which eventually turned out to be an annual event for fundraising in the years ahead.
One day during that difficult period for us, Mother Wendy who was in charge of the St. Alban’s church, had a vision of St. Dionysius. It was Mother Wendy who permitted us to have our first Holy Eucharist at the St. Alban’s Church. She used to attend our services sometimes. In her vision, St. Dionysius told her that his people didn’t have a place to worship and requested her to accommodate them in her church. He also said that the present membership in her Church would grow. St. Alban’s had only a dozen or less members for years. A few days later, she saw the emergence of new members at her church and suddenly recollect-ed the vision she had few days ago. She then summoned our parish P.R.O and narrated the vision. She suggested replacing an existing shrine they had inside the St. Alban’s Church and agreed to call it the Shrine of St. Dionysius. The vision she had and the outcome was informed to our parishioners and they were overjoyed to have a shrine dedicated in the name of their patron saint; especially in one of the oldest churches in Auckland. The shrine was dedicated accordingly and regular intercession prayers started at this place.
Consequently, towards the end of the tenure of Fr. Idichandy, with the generous donation of one of our members, the Auckland Car Club Hall at 44 Stoddard Road, Mount Roskill, Auckland was leased for a year to conduct our services on Sundays. Also there was a proposal to develop it to a community center to fulfil the social objectives of our church.
Rev. Fr. Idichandy completed his tenure in June 2007 and the new incumbent Rev. Fr. Shinu K Thomas took charge in June 2007.
St Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church (SDIOC)

St Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church (SDIOC)

May 7, 2003

St Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church (SDIOC)

On 9th April 2003, Mar Irenaios sent a kalpana (encyclical) declaring the congregation as a parish and a Parish Managing Committee was appointed. Thus the St Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church (SDIOC), came into being and is the first parish in Chennai Diocese to be named after St.Dionysius, the illumina-tor of the church. On 7th May 2003, the SDIOC was incorporated…

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St. Gregorious Indian Orthodox Church

St. Gregorious Indian Orthodox Church

March 21, 2004

St. Gregorious Indian Orthodox Church

St. Gregorious Indian Orthodox Church Hamilton, New Zealand www.sgiochamilton.org

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Rev. Fr. Varghese Philip Idichandy

Rev. Fr. Varghese Philip Idichandy

May 22, 2004

Rev. Fr. Varghese Philip Idichandy arrived and took charge as vicar on 22nd May 2004. From then on we had regular church services on Sundays and the regular functioning of the spiritual organisations. During his term which lasted three years, several families were added to the church. But venues were difficult to get for regular worship. The parish became more…

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Rev. Fr. Shinu K Thomas

Rev. Fr. Shinu K Thomas

June 17, 2007

Rev.Fr.Biju Mathew

Rev.Fr.Biju Mathew

February 24, 2011

Mar Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church(MDIOC)

Mar Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church(MDIOC)

November 20, 2012

Mar Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church(MDIOC)

Wellington, New Zealand Mar Dionysius Indian Orthodox Church  

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St. Mary’s Orthodox Church

St. Mary’s Orthodox Church

November 20, 2015

St. Mary’s Orthodox Church

Christ Church, New Zealand St. Mary’s Orthodox Church

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Rev. Fr. Anup Joseph Eapen

Rev. Fr. Anup Joseph Eapen

July 24, 2016

Rev. Fr. Anu Mathew

Rev. Fr. Anu Mathew

June 16, 2019